Working to eliminate barriers to everyday life in Cleveland neighborhoods.
Barrier-free Cleveland is a partnership between Kent State University’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative, Cleveland State University, and DigitalC.
With support from the Cleveland Foundation, we have worked with residents in the Hough and Clark Fulton neighborhoods to identify and address physical barriers that limit access to neighborhood destinations, transit, and public space.
We are developing neighborhood design strategies, identifying digital tools, and exploring community programs to make neighborhoods safer and more inclusive.
This work is guided by the experiences of people with physical disabilities and mobility challenges.
We have produced a set of design guidelines to make city neighborhoods safer and more accessible for all residents. We update these guidelines regularly and maintain links to useful information in the Resources section of this document.
One quality of disability justice culture is that it is simultaneously beautiful and practical.
— Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha